Wednesday, July 7, 2010


"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."
-Melody Beattie-

Every Monday for the past several years, I have spent the afternoon with my elderly mother. The visits have evolved from being in her home, to her moving to assisted living seven months ago, and most recently moving to a memory care facility a month ago. What strikes me every time I visit, is her profound sense of gratitude. She thanks me over and over again for coming to see her. She thanks me for doing her nails and brushing her hair and any small thing that I do. She also compliments and thanks the aides who take care of her, telling them how wonderful they are and how beautiful the facility is. Her gratitude warms my heart and makes me want to do more for her. I see the same with the aides who care for her. This appreciation prompts her caregivers to do more for her and to truly love her. She has the gift of taking any small act of kindness and turning it into a treasure. I am learning by my mother's example that a grateful heart really does have the power to transform.

How can I translate that sense of gratitude to my yoga practice? I start with a sense of gratitude for the body I've been blessed with, aches and all. Next, I look to all the gifts my practice has given me: strength, stamina, flexibility, focus, inner calm. I am grateful I can listen to my body and tailor my practice accordingly. I appreciate that it is not a competition. I am thankful for any changes I experience for the better, however small they may be. I am grateful for my journey through yoga; I have learned so much about myself. When I look at my practice through the eyes of gratitude,I truly do feel the fullness of life. Gratitude has turned my practice into inspiration, and that keeps me coming back for more.