Friday, February 5, 2016

Boost Your Immune System this Winter

"...cold weather can throw your health out of balance.  According to the principles of Ayurveda,winter can aggravate conditions that can weaken your immune system-so it's essential to take good care of yourself at this time of year."     -Catherine Guthrie-

The calendar indicates that it is winter, but you could have fooled me. Here in the northeast, it has been a mild winter, to say the least.  My daffodils have been 1/3 of the way up since November and I'm not sure that the ground is even frozen.  Even with these mild temperatures and virtually snowless days, there are still plenty of winter ailments. In an article in the "Special Encore Addition of Yoga Journal", according to Hema Sundaram, an integrative medicine doctor in Washington, DC, there are a few simple heart openers that can stimulate the thymus gland to support immune function during the cold and flu season.  She recommends a daily practice of Cobra pose, Fish pose and Bridge pose.  If you feel a cold or the flu knocking at the door, do these three poses, twice daily. 
Give it a shot.  What have you got to lose, but a cold!

Cobra (Bhujangasana)

Fish (Matsyasana)
 Bridge (Setu Banda Sarvangasana)