Friday, December 6, 2013


"People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within." -Elizabeth Kubler Ross- Here's the good news. We have 15 days left before the days begin to grow longer! Most holidays that are celebrated this time of year use candles to represent the light within. It certainly can be more difficult to find that inner light when it's cold and dark outside. There are many days when it would be so easy to cuddle up on the couch with a good book, instead of braving the cold outdoors for a walk, or stepping onto the mat. Good, consistent habits, like yoga and meditation help you to feel better, both physically and mentally. Take a few minutes each day to activate the navel center, the seat of your digestive fire. Do a few minutes of abdominal squeeze, or a few curls. When the body and mind are aligned, it is easier to find that inner light. Preparing healthy, nourishing foods to warm and comfort, also helps to ease the winter doldrums. A brief meditation, visualizing the light at the heart center, is a good way to start the day. A little trick I use is to smile just for the sake of smiling. Your whole being lights up when you smile, even when you're faking it! Choose one or two practices that you can weave into your day that will keep the inner light burning brightly. And,remember,smile. You are the light!

Friday, October 18, 2013


One of my favorite songs from back in the day is Simon and Garfunkel's 59th Street Bridge. The first verse goes like this: Slow down you move too fast, you got to make the morning last just kicking down the cobblestone, looking for fun and feeling groovy." Let me explain. No less than four times over the last 10 days, I have come uncomfortably close to being hit by a car. After the 4th close call, that song came into my mind and I began repeating it over and over in my head, like a mantra. I did an inventory of my actions, wondering if I might have been daydreaming, not paying attention to my surroundings as I crossed the street in those four instances. While I certainly have and can be guilty of not paying attention, or moving too fast, that wasn't the case. In each of the near misses, the driver was going very fast and clearly was intent on getting through the light. I think there are a couple factors at play: not enough pedestrians and a lack of mindfulness. Since there are very few people on foot these days, I don't think drivers look for or even expect to be slowed down by someone walking across the street. Secondly, people are multitasking behind the wheel: talking on the phone, texting, thinking about what's next on the to-do list, anxious to get to work or home to complete the next task. In yoga philosophy and asana, we practice mindfulness. We practice being in the moment, to feel the sensation in the body as we breathe, moving in and out of postures. The practice is not about what is planned for later in the day, but rather, what is happening in the moment- being present for the experience. I must admit that I am a bit tentative these days as I cross the street, especially at night! But, at the same time, I am being called to be mindful of my surroundings, making eye contact if possible with drivers before I cross the street. In the future, I am going to heed my own advice when I get behind the wheel, practicing mindfulness and, before I turn the key in the ignition, repeat my new favorite mantra, "slow down you move too fast!"

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it." -William Arthur Ward- Don't let it be said that I have not felt and expressed my gratitude!Today, September 17, marks my 5th anniversary of teaching yoga. I am filled with so much gratitude for all of the many people with whom I have shared yoga. It is you who motivate me to study and continue to learn. To all of you- present, past and future yogis who have and will come to practice with me, thank you, thank you, thank you. I intend to be in it for the long haul- at least til I'm 90 or so! Join me. "Namaste! I honor the place in you in which the entire Universe dwells. I honor the place in you which is of Love, of Truth, of Light and Peace. When you are in that place in you and I am in that place in me We are one." -Namaste Yoga-

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


"Feeling hot, hot, hot..." Whew, is it ever hot outside! While there are those of us who can't get enough of the heat, there are many of us who find this kind of heat, especially so early in the season, to be unbearable! For those that fall into the latter camp,the pitta personalities among us,I'd like to share some tips for cooling both body and mind. With this temporary burst of midsummer-like heat, squeeze a little bit of fresh lime juice into your glass of water instead of lemon, which is heating. Avoid hot, spicy foods and excessive salt intake. Rerain from adding too much oil to food preparation. Sweet, juicy fruits are cooling, as are salads. Meat is heat producing, so it's a good idea to get protein from other sources when the thermostat rises. Take time during your day to relax and take it easy. Apply cool compresses to pulse points. Take 10 minutes for some quiet savasana (relaxation). Practice a few minutes of sitali pranayama (a cooling breath practice characterized by long, slow inhalations, with tongue curled into the shape of a straw, or, if that is not possible, open mouth and bring teeth gently together, inhaling through the teeth, close the mouth for a long, slow exhalation Practice an attitude of gratitude,while perhaps taking in a brief meditation to cool and quiet the mind. Practice moderation in all things and be cool!

Friday, April 5, 2013


"First of all-and this may come as a surprise-most integrative doctors believe that three factors contribute to springtime allergies: a compromised immune system, a weak digestive system and toxic overload." -Carrie Demers, MD- Well, I think I can safely say that the ski season is over for me! I am reshaping my days now that I have some down time and envisioning the beauty and life that spring soon will deliver. Along with that extraordinary beauty, comes lots and lots of pollen! I guess you could say that spring is bittersweet, at least for me. Over the years, I have acquired many tricks to help me get through the season with bright eyes and minimal sneezing. In reading the latest issue of "Yoga International", I am reminded by Dr. Carrie Demers, that in ayurveda, late winter and early spring take on the qualities of kapha, characterised by the elements of earth and water. The snow melts and the earth is wet and heavy. "April showers bring May flowers", as the saying goes. Our bodies tend to take on the same kapha qualities as the earth, with increased mucous production, swollen sinuses, colds and springtime allergies. Now is the time to begin to boost the immune system. In ayurveda, it is believed that stong agni, digestive fire, is key to strengthening the immune system. "When agni is weak, digestion is incomplete, and the residue (or ama) that's left behind becomes toxic waste in the body." (Carrie Demers,MD, YI magazine, Spring 2013) As per Dr. Demers suggestions, it is a good idea to add some asanas(postures) to your daily routine that strengthen and tone the abdominals. Adding abdominal squeeze to your practice is one effective way to tone the abdominals as well as the pelvic floor. She recommends 30 minutes of sweat producing exercise daily. As long as you are not congested,have high blood pressure or coronary heart disease, add kapalabhati to your daily routine, as well. Kapalabhati is a vigorous pranayama practice, characterized by stong, rapid exhalations and passive inhalations. If you are unfamiliar with this practice, it is best to ask an instructor for guidance. It is a great way to clear out the nasal passages. One tried and true practice to keep springtime allergies at bay, is the neti pot. I have found this practice to be a life-saver in the spring. I rinse my nasal passages every morning, all year round, but up it to three times a day in the spring. It helps to clear pollen from the nasal passages and is very soothing. I like to put a bit of nasya(nasal) oil in each nostril when I'm finished to keep the passages moist. You can purchase nasya oil at Wegman's, in Nature's Market, or you can use sesame oil or even olive oil. Of course, there are many other practices to alleviate allergies. Lest you get overwhelmed with suggestions, I will stop here. Incorporating some of these practices into your daily routine may allow you to be outside,enjoying the wonders of spring, instead of inside, looking out!

Friday, January 18, 2013


"Ayurvedic medicine focuses on the quality and status of agni. If our agni is robust and healthy it brings fragrance to life. When agni is imbalanced, the opposite occurs. Agni gives a person a healthy glow." -Vasant Lad,M.A.Sc.- One of the main functions of agni is digestion. In Ayurveda, we are looking to create the proper balance in digestive fire: not too hot, not too cold, just right. That balance is different for each individual. While a vata individual may need to create more heat to kindle agni, a pitta temperment might need to tone down the fire of digestion. Kaphas may need to speed up the action of agni. One simple practice to support digestion, regardless of your dosha, is to drink CCF tea. Equal parts cumin, coriander and fennel make up this tasty drink. You can make it yourself quite easily. Measure 1 teaspoon each of cumin seed,coriander seed and fennel seed, bring to a boil with enough water for a cup or two of tea. Let it simmer for about 5 minutes, strain and enjoy, after a meal or anytime during the day. While CCF tea is a great digestive aid, it is good to take a look at your lifestyle. Healthy digestion is about not only the food you put into your body, but stress levels, sleep patterns, exercise, yoga and meditation, sensory stimuli. You can add more to this list, I'm sure. It's not about getting it perfect, it's about being flexible enough to make lifestyle changes, however small, to support strong digestive fire. Your reward will be that healthy glow. In the meantime, brew a cup or two of CCF tea and relax!