Tuesday, May 21, 2013


"Feeling hot, hot, hot..." Whew, is it ever hot outside! While there are those of us who can't get enough of the heat, there are many of us who find this kind of heat, especially so early in the season, to be unbearable! For those that fall into the latter camp,the pitta personalities among us,I'd like to share some tips for cooling both body and mind. With this temporary burst of midsummer-like heat, squeeze a little bit of fresh lime juice into your glass of water instead of lemon, which is heating. Avoid hot, spicy foods and excessive salt intake. Rerain from adding too much oil to food preparation. Sweet, juicy fruits are cooling, as are salads. Meat is heat producing, so it's a good idea to get protein from other sources when the thermostat rises. Take time during your day to relax and take it easy. Apply cool compresses to pulse points. Take 10 minutes for some quiet savasana (relaxation). Practice a few minutes of sitali pranayama (a cooling breath practice characterized by long, slow inhalations, with tongue curled into the shape of a straw, or, if that is not possible, open mouth and bring teeth gently together, inhaling through the teeth, close the mouth for a long, slow exhalation Practice an attitude of gratitude,while perhaps taking in a brief meditation to cool and quiet the mind. Practice moderation in all things and be cool!