Wednesday, December 28, 2011


"We must remember asana is not about personal achievement but of letting go of the ego." -David Frawley-

Coming to the yoga mat with a competitive spirit negates the purpose of the practice. I am not practicing to be the "best" yogi in the class, but to be the best person that I can be. This, however, is not about personal achievement, but about coming to know myself better. I come to the mat with a sense of humility - with an acceptance of the perfectly imperfect human that I am. In practice, I begin to see more clearly both my strengths and challenges, in my physical body and, more important, in my deeper self. Do I struggle to stay focused as I hold a posture? Am I making my shopping list during savasana (relaxation). Do I run out before relaxation and meditation because it is agonizing to be still/quiet for 7-8 minutes? Am I busy watching others in practice, losing my inner focus? Am I impatient with myself when I struggle with a posture? Do I take myself too seriously or, just the opposite, minimize myself in practice?
In yoga practice, I am exploring the relationship that I have with my body, breath and mind; There is no room for the ego. I come to the mat to discover myself.