Friday, January 18, 2013


"Ayurvedic medicine focuses on the quality and status of agni. If our agni is robust and healthy it brings fragrance to life. When agni is imbalanced, the opposite occurs. Agni gives a person a healthy glow." -Vasant Lad,M.A.Sc.- One of the main functions of agni is digestion. In Ayurveda, we are looking to create the proper balance in digestive fire: not too hot, not too cold, just right. That balance is different for each individual. While a vata individual may need to create more heat to kindle agni, a pitta temperment might need to tone down the fire of digestion. Kaphas may need to speed up the action of agni. One simple practice to support digestion, regardless of your dosha, is to drink CCF tea. Equal parts cumin, coriander and fennel make up this tasty drink. You can make it yourself quite easily. Measure 1 teaspoon each of cumin seed,coriander seed and fennel seed, bring to a boil with enough water for a cup or two of tea. Let it simmer for about 5 minutes, strain and enjoy, after a meal or anytime during the day. While CCF tea is a great digestive aid, it is good to take a look at your lifestyle. Healthy digestion is about not only the food you put into your body, but stress levels, sleep patterns, exercise, yoga and meditation, sensory stimuli. You can add more to this list, I'm sure. It's not about getting it perfect, it's about being flexible enough to make lifestyle changes, however small, to support strong digestive fire. Your reward will be that healthy glow. In the meantime, brew a cup or two of CCF tea and relax!