Friday, May 30, 2014

Connecting to the Manipura Chakra

"When the energy of this chakra flows freely, the effect is like that of a power station, constantly supplying vitality-bestowing balance and strength." -Yoga in Daily Life- Literally translated, maipura means city of gems. This 3rd chakra,located at the navel center, is clearly highly regarded to bear such an auspicious name. The manipura governs digestion and metabolism on the physical and energetic levels. In ayurveda, it is believed that this is the seat of our health. It is aligned with the fire element- too much fire, or too little fire create ill health. A strong, balanced fire at the navel center allows us to not only digest the food we eat,but to assimilate the world around us- emotions, experiences, other people. Just as fire transforms, so too does a strong, healthy manipura chakra. It helps us to overcome feelings of inertia and sets us on the path to strengthening our will, determination and ability to stay the course. When the navel center is well cared for and nurtured, there is a sense of being comfortable in your own skin, a sense of confidence. I attended a workshop several weeks ago, in which the facilitator spoke of how she had used Abdominal Squeeze,or Akunchana Prasarana, to transform her life after a particularly depleting time. To do this practice, stand with your feet mat width apart, knees bent, hands resting on your thighs, just above the knees. On an inhalation, allow the abdomen to fill and on the exhalation, draw the navel towards the spine, squeezing the abdomen. Breathe at your normal pace and begin with about 10 repetitions. All the breath is through the nose. I use this practice in the classes I teach and extoll its virtues, but I have taken on the practice with increased fervor. I committed to doing 50 repetitions as part of my morning practice. It has been about a month now and I have gradually increased my practice. On a purely physical level, this is great work to strengthen the abdominal muscles,toning and lifting the internal organs. I have found that my appetite has increased and my energy is more balanced throughout the day. I have noticed that I have motivation to take on projects and complete them. I've heard that Swami Rama, the founder of the Himalayan Institute said that if you did 100 Abdominal Squeezes a day, you could digest a pebble! I might get to 100 reps daily, but I think I'll skip the pebble!