Friday, April 4, 2014


Pardon my three month absence, if you please. Though some have found this winter particularly harsh, it was a fabulous winter for skiers. I happen to be one of those skiers! So, I played hooky from my blog and enjoyed the great outdoors. Alas, the rain today is putting an end to the ski season. It's good to be back. I opened class this morning with this quote: "Submit to a daily practice. Your loyalty to that is a ring at the door. Keep knocking and eventually the joy inside will look out to see who is there." -Rumi- What is your daily practice? You can begin with a few short minutes every day. Eventually, your mind and body will ask for that mindful movement. When you miss a day or two, or three, your body will let you know. Find your breath, allowing it to initiate the movement and see what unfolds. What better reward for your loyalty than joy?